
Ultrasound: Get To Know This Innovational Technology in Detail

18 Apr 2023
Home Ultrasound: Get To Know This Innovational Technology in Detail

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Learn More About Ultrasound

An ultrasound scan is also known as sonography. It is a medical test that uses high-frequency sound waves to capture live images from the inside of a human body. The technology is strikingly similar to the one used by sonar and radar which is used by the military to detect planes and ships. Ultrasound enables a doctor to find problems with organs, vessels, and tissues without the need to make an incision. Read on to understand the various steps involved in Ultrasound preparation.
The usual imaging techniques make use of radiation. Ultrasound on the other hand does not employ radiation. This makes it the preferred method to view a developing foetus during pregnancy.

Reasons Why Ultrasound Is Performed

Ultrasound is popularly associated with pregnancy. It provides an expectant mother with the first view of her unborn child. Moreover, the test has other uses. The purpose of ultrasound is varied. A doctor is likely to order this procedure if the patient is having pain, swelling, or other symptoms which demand an internal view of the organs.
An ultrasound can provide a view of the following organs.
– Bladder
– Brain (in infants)
– Eyes
– Gallbladder
– Kidneys
– Liver
– Ovaries
– Pancreas
– Spleen
– Thyroid
– Testicles
– Uterus
– Blood vessels
It is also used to guide the movements of surgeons during medical procedures such as biopsies.

Preparation For an Ultrasound

Ultrasound preparation is by and large decided by the area or organ that is being examined. If your abdomen is being examined, the doctor is likely to tell you to fast for eight to twelve hours before your ultrasound procedure. This is due to the fact that undigested food can block the sound waves.
The technician will find it difficult to get a clear picture due to this. Sometimes you will be told to eat a fat-free meal the evening before and fast until the procedure. This is for the examination of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, or spleen. However, you can continue to
drink water and take any medications as instructed. You may be asked to drink a lot of water and hold your urine so that your bladder is full and better visualized.
Make sure that you tell your doctor about any prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, or herbal supplements that you take before the exam. It is of paramount importance that you follow your doctor’s instructions and ask any questions you may have before the procedure.

This procedure carries minimal risks. It does not use radiation like X-rays or CT scans. Hope you found this information useful.

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