
StudyMEDIC – Why We Love Mentoring

10 Jan 2022
Home StudyMEDIC – Why We Love Mentoring

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StudyMEDIC – Why We Love Mentoring

Acquainting a student is an essential and critical factor for excellence. When done right a course or a mentor should empower and encourage the students to become more confident to present their skills and knowledge without any hesitance. This the sole reason why “StudyMEDIC Mentors are the best mentors for OBS & GYN courses such as MRCOG, MRCPI, FCPS OBG EFOG- EBCOG, MRCS & FRCS.
Over the past three years, as part of our forthcoming books series, Our R & D team is engaged in researching how mentors can better judge and enhance their talent in light of a changing, more purpose driven and more tech enables learning environment. Our team interviewed multiple admired leaders in different fields (culture, arts, business etc.), and the outcome which we got, helped our journey so far. Now here we stand as No 1 Online training provider & No 1 trusted brand for MRCOG, MRCPI, FCPS OBG EFOG-EBCOG, MRCS & FRCS. & EBCOG.

We as mentors unlike other are not focused on creating followers for our brand or our names, we are more attentive on delivering courses in different styles, patterns to create the leaders for tomorrow in OBS&GYN community. We follow the below best mentoring techniques which we had gained through research and series of discussions.

1. Creating a family like environment

As far as we are concerned, we are not believed in delivering the courses as a “READ & UNDERSTAND” method instead of something family relationship authentic concept. In order to make interactive courses, we think it is vital to develop a baseline chemistry between the mentors and mentee. On a final note, rapport is essential for us to deliver our concept to the students.

2. Focusing on multiple diversities within the student

Generally, some of the mentors believe that mentoring is just a job but for us its more of a commitment, responsibility and sacrifice to learn more about each student which include their character, value, skills, empathy, etc. On a long journey with us, we intend to understand the minds of each students then only we can push them beyond their capabilities.

3. Positive Approach and not being cynics

Students come to us with a lot of belief and unrealistic ambitions. As a mentor what we prefer is to provide them more energy to pursue those ambitions than going more realistically to deteriorate their belief. It’s been said that the world prefers conventional failure over unconventional success; We as mentors should encourage exploration of the latter.

4. Be Loyal to the profession

Mentoring is one method of leadership and it is a duty and service to others which shall be delivered with highest gratitude. The best way to inspire commitment is to be fully and selflessly committed to the best interests of the students. Bring in the same kind of attentions as a friend, family member for the student then learning will become easier. This is our experience!!!

At its highest level, mentorship is about being “good people” and having the right “good people” around us. Our legacy is to transform our students to be a better clinician with accreditations and certifications.

By : admin

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